Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Childhood;)I used to be innocent...

So in the first picture from the top you can see me on my mum's arms. I was about 2 or 3 months. It was still hot then and I was born in August so it must have been somewhere in that time. We call the picture "Młoda the observer" Młoda because that's my nick name at home and the observer because I observed everyone and everything at home.
In the second picture it's my elder sis and of course Młoda;) I was about three then and it was during our holidays or some weekend.
I always had to run because my sister ( Basia, and let's make it more funny, my mum is Kasia) was walking to fast (my parents even suspect that she had ADHD syndrome but no one thought about that in the 80s).
The third picture is my dad's favourite one. It's his three ladies;) The smallest is me;) The biggest my mum and the blond is my sis;)
A lot of people say that I haven't changed at all, but I know I have, only my face is still childish....:)


AgataL said...

You look so much like your mother! Great pictures - thanks :)

Dżoana said...

Everyone says so! I can't see that. We often look in the mirror and try to figure out what is so similar, but believe me, there is nothing;)

pepper_inu said...

that was my first thought, you look just like your mom!